Bayer Joins National Ag Day as Platinum Partner

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National Ag Day has announced that Bayer has become an Ag Day Platinum sponsor. Ag Day, organized by the Agriculture Council of America (ACA), marks a nationwide effort to tell the story of American agriculture and remind citizens that agriculture is a part of us all. Ag Day will take place on March 21, 2023.

“We are excited to be taking a more active role in National Ag Day since we at Bayer embody its mission in our work all year long,” said Dr. Jacqueline Applegate, President of Bayer’s Crop Science business in North America.

2023 Marks the 50th anniversary of National Ag Day, and this year’s theme is “Agriculture: Growing a Climate for Tomorrow.”

The ACA will host a virtual Ag Day event and events in Washington, D.C. Many agricultural associations, corporations, students, and government organizations involved in agriculture are expected to participate.

The ACA will also bring college students from youth ag organizations to Washington “virtually” to deliver the message of Ag Day to The Hill, while a core team of student leaders will attend events in D.C. Other Ag Day events in D.C. will be announced soon.

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