Potato Sustainability Alliance Issues Report on Grower Practices

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2023 marked the first year of potato growers reporting and using the Sustainable Outcomes in Agriculture (SOA) standard and Cropwise Sustainability app as the on-farm assessment tool for the Potato Sustainability Alliance (PSA) Program.

PSA has release a new report that shares insights and results gathered through the on-farm assessments and provides participating growers and PSA members with a valuable benchmark for evaluating their own reports. The results and insights in the report are reflective of the 420 participating growers, representing practices adopted and applied to 589,120 potato acres across North America.

Participating growers achieved an overall performance score of medium. This score reflects the collective adoption of various management practices contributing to sustainable production that are informed by data collected and experts. Additionally, it signifies the adoption of new practices and technologies that are consistent with improving the industry standard.

The Potato Sustainability Alliance consists of growers, supply chain partners, non-profit organizations and advisors working together to improve the economic, environmental and social aspects of potato production in the United States and Canada.