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U.S. potato growers and allied partners from across the country united as an industry to fulfill NPC’s mission of “Standing Up for Potatoes on Capitol Hill.” The 2024 Washington Summit, Feb. 26-March 1, provided a forum for potato industry members to discuss, define, and advocate for the policy priorities impacting their businesses and protecting their ability to farm.
The first day kicked off with a virtual media roundtable during which NPC President Bob Mattive, Immediate Past President RJ Andrus, Vice President of Trade Affairs Ted Tschirky, and CEO Kam Quarles shared the news of the Council’s new economic report, “The Current and Potential Impact of Expanded Potato Exports.”

That evening at the meeting of Voting Delegates, 2023 President RJ Andrus passed the gavel to incoming President Bob Mattive. During the Awards Ceremony, Andrus presented the annual President’s Awards to growers Dan Moss, Randy Hardy, Jim Tiede, Dean Gibson, and Jared Balcom, as well as to his wife, Nancy. Hollee Alexander, NPC’s Vice President of Industry Relations and Events, received the Golden Potato Award from Andrus in recognition of her two decades of service to the industry. Christina Herrick from The Packer and Farm Journal Media presented Jim Ehrlich, Executive Director of the Colorado Potato Administrative Committee with The Packer’s 2024 Potato Person of the Year Award, which recognizes an individual who has gone above and beyond the call of duty during the past year to further the potato industry.
Throughout the next day, committee members met to report on and discuss the status of issues facing the industry. During lunch, attendees were briefed by Dr. Bill Knudson, Product Marketing Economist at Michigan State University Product Center, who presented the report his team conducted on behalf of NPC to measure the current and potential economic benefits of U.S. potato exports.
On Wednesday morning, business began with a fireside chat between NPC’s Kam Quarles and Alexis Taylor, USDA’s Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs, on how the administration is working to promote U.S. agricultural exports and increase market access.
Mike Goodis, Deputy Director for Programs in EPA Office of Pesticide Programs, then briefed the group on the implementation of the agency’s Endangered Species Act Workplan. A discussion between Beth Johnson, CEO and Founder of Food Directions, and Jennifer Tiller, staff member of the House Agriculture Committee focused on nutrition policy, including the currently ongoing efforts to craft the 2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
During the keynote lunch, sponsored by Syngenta, David Wasserman, Senior Editor and Elections Analyst for The Cook Political Report with Amy Walter, provided attendees with his unique analysis of the issues, trends, and events that are shaping today’s political environment with special emphasis on the 2024 General Election.
On Wednesday afternoon at the Hart Senate Office Building, Members of Congress joined the group to address their priorities and hear from attendees on their policy concerns. The group finished the day with the annual Standing Up for Potatoes on Capitol Hill Reception, sponsored by McCain, which attracted record attendance.

During the briefing and reception, attendees were addressed by U.S. Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine), House Agriculture Committee Chairman G.T. Thompson (R-Pa.), and U.S. Representative Dan Newhouse (R-Wash.). Additionally, the group heard from Parish Braden, Staff Director for House Agriculture Committee Chairman G.T. Thompson, Ricki Schroeder, Coalitions Coordinator for Director for House Agriculture Committee Chairman Thompson, and Jessica Schulken and Tyson Redpath of The Russell Group.
On Thursday and Friday, attendees took to Capitol Hill to meet with dozens of Members and staff to advocate for the industry’s policy priorities.
The photo album of the week can be found here.