Episode 46: Updates on the Potato Industry from the WA/OR Trade Show

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On today's episode Dave Alexander walks around the trade show at the Washington/Oregon trade show.

First he visits with Dragon-Line’s Monty Teeter. Next he chats with Kathleen Beach from the Washington Department of Natural Resources. Then he discusses the Ellips optical sorter with Sean Gervais. And finally, he talks with Eric Evans from Agri-Stor.

Travis Meacham with Friehe Farms in Moses Lake (left) visits with Dragon-Line’s Monty Teeter in Kennewick, Washington.


Teri Olin (left) and Kathleen Beach with Washington Department of Natural Resources work their booth at the Washington-Oregon Potato Conference.


Sean Gervais discusses the Ellips optical sorter.


Eric Evans with Agri-Stor shows off the company’s Agri-Star Environmental Control Panel.
