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The National Potato Council is seeking proposals that showcase new advancements in production agriculture relating to potatoes, uncover on-farm solutions, focus on current trends, or ignite inspiration.

Potato Expo is accepting submissions for three different stages:
Potato Talk on the Expo Stage – All sessions will be 20 minutes, plus 10 minutes of one-on-one Q&A. Sessions can be a single speaker or panel discussion (max of three, including moderator).
Discussions at the Cultivation Corner – Sessions will focus on such topics as production, consumers, research, and technology. The Corner will be accessed directly from the Expo Hall. All sessions will be between 30-40 minutes. Sessions can be a single speaker or panel discussion (max of four, including moderator).
Policy Discussion/Member Update on the NPC Stage – Sessions will be held in a new National Potato Council Pavilion in the Expo Hall. Sessions will focus on such topics as labor, trade, transportation, farm bill, etc. NPC Sustaining Members can also submit a session for the NPC Stage to provide product or services updates or Q&As. All sessions will be between 20-30 minutes, including Q&A. Sessions can be a single speaker or panel discussion (max of three, including moderator).
Submit completed form linked below by September 8. Primary session contacts will be notified of selected proposals no later than October 6.
For more information, please visit or email

Here’s What We Need For Your Submission:
- Category
- Title (No longer than 12 words)
- Promotional Description (100-150 word description of session to be used in promotional materials)
- Speaker(s) and/or panelists. Sessions will not be accepted if any moderators or speakers are TBD.
- All speakers and/or moderators must be notified and available to present, if accepted, prior to submitting their name as a session participant.
Accepted submissions will be notified no later than October 6, 2023.