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Where Does Our Food Come From?
In a new comprehensive report titled Where Does Our Food Come From?, University of Potomac has identified the world’s top producers and the commodities they produce.
In 2020, half of the world’s potatoes were produced in Asia, with China (78.1 million tons) and India (51.3 million tons) being the world’s largest producers. At the same time, Europe supplied a little less than one-third of the world’s potato production, from which Russia (19.6 million tons) and Ukraine (20.8 million tons) top the list. The United States ranks as the fifth-largest producer, with a yield of 18.7 million tons of potatoes.
Since Russia and Ukraine alone account for one-tenth of the world’s potato production, the Russian invasion of Ukraine surged the market price for potatoes and other staple foods such as pasta, bread, and sunflower oil. Experts predict the potato price will increase up to 30%, which automatically increases the price of many processed foods.