NPC Encourages Mexico’s Supreme Court Justices to Affirm Draft Ruling Overturning Ban on U.S. Fresh Potato Imports

On Wednesday, February 17, 2021, the Mexican Supreme Court released a draft ruling that would overturn a 2017 lower court decision preventing the Mexican federal government from implementing regulations to allow for the importation of fresh U.S. potatoes throughout the country. The case is scheduled to be decided by the five-member Supreme Court on February 24.

“Full Mexican market access for fresh U.S. potatoes has been one of the highest priorities for the National Potato Council and the entire U.S. potato industry for well over two decades. We are hopeful the majority of justices will agree with this draft ruling and finally allow the Mexican government to live up to its global trade responsibilities,” said Jared Balcom, Vice President of Trade Affairs for the National Potato Council (NPC).

For the full NPC statement click here.