World Potato Congress Presents “Why you should plant certified seed potatoes” by Dr. Nina Zidack

The World Potato Congress (WPC) is extremely pleased to have Dr. Zidack present a webinar via Zoom. The webinar host will be WPC Director, Dr. Nora Olsen (

Each individual process in certifying seed potatoes insures growers can expect reliable quality and maximum yield from their crop. Through seed potato certification, limited generations are initiated from disease-free in vitro stock. Varietal purity is maintained through careful auditing and inspection of crops starting from tissue culture through multiple field generations. Disease status of the crop during the growing season is monitored through visual inspection for virus, bacterial and fungal diseases. Disease levels are recorded and must remain within specific tolerances. The most important quality assurance test is the postharvest evaluation that provides the actual disease status of the crop to be planted the next year. In the US, postharvest testing is primarily conducted in tropical areas employing both visual inspection and lab testing for viruses. In Europe, tubers are tested post harvest using highly sensitive laboratory methods.

WEBINAR REGISTRATION – To register go to

Please note: participants will be able to interact with the presenter during the webinar.

You may also register in advance for the webinar by using the link noted above.

Following your registration, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about how to join the webinar live on October 29.