Management of Potato Tuber Necrotic Viruses Website

A great resource for managing potato viruses has been updated:

There have been two important updates to the Management of Potato Tuber Necrotic Viruses website. Both updates can be found under Tools and Resources.

% Disease Estimation and Sample Size Tools: The information and Excel tools on this page will allow you to more accurately estimate the % disease in a seed lot along with a range (confidence interval) based on risk tolerance. These tools will also allow you to determine the sample size needed for a specified target % disease and risk tolerance. There are separate tools for “Individual Tuber/Plant Samples” and “Composite Tuber/Plant Samples”.

Certified Seed Purchase – 10 Questions to Ask: Ask these 10 important questions to ensure you are buying the best seed possible for your farm, updated with the improved % Disease Estimation information noted above.

While you are on the website you may want to check out these other topics:

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This information is provided by the USDA NIFA Specialty Crops Initiative award #2014-51181-22373 “Biological and economic impacts of emerging potato tuber necrotic viruses and the development of comprehensive and sustainable management practices”.

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